WE PREPARED THE FATHER’S DAY IN ARTS AND CRAFTS SESSION. As usual in Spain on March 19th, Father’s Day is celebrated because in 1948, Manuela Vicente Ferrero, teacher and writer known under the pseudonym «Nely» decided to hold a celebration at the school where he worked to recognize the dedication of the parents of their students. It is said that the idea came up at the specific request of the parents of the girls who felt the need to have a day in which they were the honored as ha..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria,Sección Bilingüe
Durante a pasada semana os alumnos dos diferentes cursos estivemos a traballar na elaboración dos nosos materiais de xogo. Desta volta o material alternativo é o protagonista das nosas sesións. Axudámonos entre todos para ter listas as bolas de malabares e máis as nosas palas; quedáronnos moi ben e xa están preparadas para disfrutalas tanto nas sesión de Educación Física, coma no noso tempo libre! Last week pupils from all different ages have been creating our own alternative materia..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria,Sección Bilingüe
Last 23rd April Shakespeare´s Day was celebrated worldwide and,because of that, pupils of 2nd ESO wanted to know a little about this great English writer. First of all, we learnt about his life and his work in class.We studied that his work include historical drama(Henry VI,Julius Caesar), romantic comedy (Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Night´s Dream, The Merchant of Venice),Tragic romance(Romeo and Juliet) and complete tragedy ( Othello,Hamlet). Besides this, we also knew that he had a m..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Secundaria,Sección Bilingüe
Here is the story about Big Blue Fish and Small Red fish with our youngest pupils. Using drama activities has clear advantages for language learning. It encourages children to speak and gives them the chance to communicate, even with limited language, using non-verbal communication, such as body movements and facial expressions. Drama helps children to develop self-confidence, express their imagination, personalities and creativity. Dramatizing a text is very motivating and is fun. ..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Infantil,Sección Bilingüe
She is a pretty girl and now is our native English teacher. Her name is Cristina and she was born in Australia. Today, was her first day in our school. Sixth graders wrote «WELCOME» on the board. She was also recieved by her classmates and they practiced English. We hope to improve our English with your help and we wish you a good course with us. Thank you!!! Ella es una bonita chica y ahora nuestra profe nativa inglesa. Su nombre es Cristina y ha nacido en Australia. Hoy, ha sido su pr..
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- POSTO EN O Colexio,Sección Bilingüe
Our students play differents games that help them get to know their body and their possibilities of movement.They are not just playing games, those games are made for the students to develop their motor skills and gain experience with their body in differents situations. Nuestros estudiantes juegan a diferentes juegos que les ayudan a ser conscientes de su cuerpo y de las posibilidades de acción de este.Ellos no están solamente jugando, estos juegos están pensados para que los estudiantes des..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe
Like many other holidays, Halloween has evolved and change throughout history. Over 2000 years ago, the Celts believed that the night before the New Year (October 31) was a time when the living and the dead came together. More than a thousand years ago, the Christian church named November 1 All Saints Day (also called All Hallows). The night before All Hallows was named Hallows Eve. Later the name was changed to Halloween. These days, Halloween is not usually considered a religious holiday. It i..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe
El curso pasado estudiamos los orígenes del Día de Acción de Gracias.En esta ocasión, decidimos involucrarnos de un modo especial en el sentimiento de este día tan especial en la cultura americana.Los alumnos de tercero de ESO pensaron que sería interesante realizar un mural donde pudiesen mostrarnos las cosas por las que se sienten agradecidos.Primero hicieron una tormenta de ideas en el encerado y , a continuación,eligieron las ocho cosas más importantes para ellos.Después sugirieron ..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe
ENGLISH COMES TO LIFE Last November, we have celebrated our first English Week at school. We know that English is not only studying but as well playing, dancing, singing… It has to be life and it happened this week. During the week, we could see a little exhibition of crafts in the hall of the school. They were made by pupils during this first trimester with teacher Desi and later they were played in the class with teacher Eresí. But these days we had an enormous number of activities. On Mond..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe
VAMOS A… ¡VAMOS A TOCAR! ¡VAMOS A CREAR! Como todos ya sabemos, la materia de educación artística concierne las destrezas de música y plástica es por ello que, este curso año hemos querido aunar estas dos destrezas habilidades desarrollando nuestra capacidad manual y creativa al elaborar distintos instrumentos con elementos naturales de nuestro entorno y reciclando materiales como envases de plástico, material muy destructivo para nuestro medio ambiente. Es así que, desde micrófono..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe