- Publicado por admin
- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria, Sección Bilingüe
As usual in Spain on March 19th, Father’s Day is celebrated because in 1948, Manuela Vicente Ferrero, teacher and writer known under the pseudonym «Nely» decided to hold a celebration at the school where he worked to recognize the dedication of the parents of their students.
It is said that the idea came up at the specific request of the parents of the girls who felt the need to have a day in which they were the honored as happened in the case of the mothers. This first day in honor of the parents included Church, delivery of handmade gifts by the girls and a children’s festival with poetry, dance and theater. Because of the religious conviction of the pioneer, she had thought that the most appropriate date for the celebration should be the date of St. Joseph’s onomastics, considering her model of parents and head of the Christian family, humble and hardworking.
The idea has succeed and the teacher spread her initiative the following year through the pages of «El Correo de Zamora» and the «Magisterio Español», publications for which she collaborated. But it was in 1951 when the goal really had national significance when the author explained the proposal through a radio program. In 1953 the manager of Galerías Preciados, propagated the idea with a campaign in press and radio to which it was added, later the manager of “ El Corte Inglés”.
In England, however, as in many other countries, the third Sunday of each month of June is celebrated.
Religious festivals are also celebrated there, characterized by the delivery of gifts in large parties in the houses. On this day, the children show their feelings of affection and gratitude towards their parents, with cards, flowers and chocolates that are presented to the parents.
Therefore, in the arts and crafts classroom we wanted to enjoy an activity of this type, always having in mind that people who spend more time with us.
Como é costume en España o 19 de Marzo celébrase en España o día do pai, xa que no ano 1948 , Manuela Vicente Ferrero, mestra e escritora coñecida co pseudónimo de “Nely” decidiu facer unha celebración na escola na que traballaba para recoñecer a adicación dos pais de cara ós seus alumnos.
Dise que a idea xurdiu pola petición expresa dos pais das nenas que sentían a necesidade de ter un día no que eles foran homenaxeados como sucedía co caso das nais. A primeira xornada en honra os pais incluía misa, entrega de obsequios elaborados manualmente polas nenas, e un festival infantil con baile e teatro.
Debido á convicción relixiosa da precursora pensouse que a data máis axeitada para a celebración debía ser a mesma onomástica de San Xosé, considerandóo modelo para os pais e cabeza da familia cristiana, humilde e traballadora.
A idea prosperou e a mestra difundiu a súa iniciativa ó ano seguinte a través das páxinas do » Correo de Zamora» e o «Maxisterio Español», publicacións para as cales colaboraba.
Pero foi no 1951 cando realmente a idea tivo trascendencia nacional, cando a autora explicou a proposta a través dun programa de radio. No 1953 o xerente de Galerías Preciados, propagou a idea cunha campaña de prensa e radio a que se sumou máis tarde o xerente do Corte Inglés.
En Inglaterra, nembargantes, coma noutros moitos países, celébrase o terceiro domingo de cada mes de Xuño. Alí celébranse ceremonias relixiosas que se caracterizan tamén pola entrega de regalos nas festas familiares nas casas.
Neste día, os nenos amosan os seus sentimentos de afecto e gratitude hacia os seus pais, con tarxetas, flores e chocolates, que lles entregan.
Por elo , desde a aula de plástica, vimos de disfrutar dunha actividade deste tipo, tendo sempre en mente a aquelas persoas que máis tempo nos adican a diario.