Last 23rd April Shakespeare´s Day was celebrated worldwide and,because of that, pupils of 2nd ESO wanted to know a little about this great English writer.
First of all, we learnt about his life and his work in class.We studied that his work include historical drama(Henry VI,Julius Caesar), romantic comedy (Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Night´s Dream, The Merchant of Venice),Tragic romance(Romeo and Juliet) and complete tragedy ( Othello,Hamlet).
Besides this, we also knew that he had a major influence on the development of the English language, adding many new words( e.g. courtship,impartial,luggage,radiant…) and countless expressions ( such as:´a foregone conclusion´,´with bated breath`, or the famous ´to be or not to be`.
After this intense study, we went outside our classroom and read a few fragments of some of his wonderful works.




O pasado 23 de abril celebrouse o Día de Shakespeare mundialmente e por iso , os alumnos de 2º da ESO quixeron saber un pouco sobre este grandísimo escritor inglés.
Primeiro investigamos sobre el e a súa obra na clase, que inclúe drama histórica(Henry VI,Julius Caesar),comedia romántica( Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Night´s Dream, The Merchant Of Venice),traxedia romántica(Romeo and Juliet) e traxedia ( Othello, Hamlet).
Ademáis, tamén soubemos que Shakespeare tivo unha influencia enorme no desenvolvemento do idioma inglés, engadindo novas palabras e incontables expresións, entre elas a coñecidísima ´to be or not to be`.
Logo deste estudo, aproveitando o bo tempo que temos, saímos da clase e lemos varios fragmentos dalgunhas das súas obras.

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