Children of three years old have discovered a lot of colours. They play computers games and they enjoy themselves. Have a look and see how much they have learnt! If this world makes your crazy and you´ve taken all you can bear, you call me up, because you know I´be there and I’ll see your true colours shinning through, I see your true colours. “True colours”, Cindy Lauper Los niños y niñas de 3 años han descubierto un montón de colores. Entre todos participan y disfrutan c..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe
OUR GREEN WEEK This one has been our second English Week and we wanted to celebrate St. Patrick´s Day. There is no real connection between the patron saint of Ireland and leprechauns, but the ideas of wearing green, the shamrocks and the leprechauns are recognised around the world as symbols of Ireland. These days we have found out about Ireland, the Irish culture, traditions, special food, music, dancing… And in order to celebrate this festivity, we drew and coloured shamrocks,..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe
The flowers want to dance with the arrival of spring and we do too. Tchaikovsky was a great composer that wrote “The waltz of the flowers”. In music class, we investigate the composer, we learn the waltz rhythm and we play it with body percussion. We also dance the waltz and play the melody with recorder and xylophones. BAILANDO EN PRIMAVERA Las flores quieren bailar con la llegada de la primavera y nosotros también. Tchaikovsky fue un gran compositor que escribió “El vals de las flores..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria,Sección Bilingüe
This year we have started a new activity in the English Language Department. It consists on sharing letters with one Irish school. We consider that learning a language is not only a matter of grammar, entonation and so on. We have to get close to the culture as much as possible, we think that our students need to feel that the English language is something more than a subject that they have to study at school. It is important for them to encourage themselves and meet new people, make new friends..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe
In our Physical Education lessons, we often foster cooperative learning tasks, where everyone s effort is always necessary in order to reach a common goal. In closing and open pairs, small groups and even the whole the class, it doesn´t mind. Comradership and a desire to improve are present in these activities securely fasten with our ropes. Looking for the rigth balance whereas jumping or crossing rivers in the gym. En las sesiones de Educación Física, fomentamos el trabajo col..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria,Sección Bilingüe
It´s obvious that English is all around us,even if we don´t live in an English-speaking country. Some words we use in Spanish are in English. This activity is based on this,we asked the students to sit in groups for brainstorming ( they had to think about words in English that they usually use in their daily lives). After a few minutes, they shared their words with the class to see which of them were the most repeated. Once they had a list, they made a poster with those words to make them fe..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Secundaria,Sección Bilingüe
INSIDE OUR HEARTS I´ll be always here, to understand you. I´ll be always here, to laugh with you. I´ll be always here To cry with you. Always here to talk to you. Although not always we´ll be together, don’t forget that I´ll be always here. “I´ll be here for you”, Camila Three-years-old children know a lot about emotions and they do many activities to show us their knowledge and their hearts. Enjoy our photos and show us what you feel. DENTRO DE NUESTROS CORAZONES Estaré siempre aqu..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Infantil,Sección Bilingüe
A FUNNY DAY! Last Thursday, we had a new “English day”. To begin, The Beatles visited our school, they played their best music. (6ºP) Later, a group of tourists talked about their last trip to London, they suggested us the top six places to visit in the city. (5ºP) Next, we could see the Spice Girls and Boys. They sang and danced the famous “Wannabe”. (E.I.4º) Also, we knew all the children that live very happy in “The yellow submarine”. (4ºP) Finally, we had a sport quiz...
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe
Moving engines…
Hi everybody, we are starting a new course, feeling great of showing you some new performances. We would like to give you some clues for guessing our games….. you are rigth!! both balance and coordination are first skills to work with. Hola a todos de nuevo. Estamos comenzando un nuevo curso, y nos sentimos orgullosos de enseñaros nuestras próximas experiencias. Os dejamos unas pistas para que adivinéis nuestros juegos. Estáis en lo cierto; tanto coordinación como..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria,Sección Bilingüe
These days our hall is full of Jack´o lanterns. So, thank you all for participating. We´ve decorated our classroom´s doors, hallways and classrooms. We´ve got a “haunted school”. But also, we´ve been very interested in learning more about Halloween. Writing, reading, singing, dancing, playing… Estes días a entrada do noso colexio está ateigada de cabazas arrepiantes. Grazas a todos por participar no concurso. Tamén decoramos as portas das clases, os corredores e as au..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe