Welcome Ronan!
Moi boas a todos! Hoxe estamos con todos vós para presentarvos ó noso novo compañeiro que ficará este curso no noso centro. Chámase Ronan, é irlandés, e está a finalizar o doctorado na Universidade de Vigo. Neste curso 2016 /17 vai traballar con tódolos alumnos do centro coma auxiliar de conversa e mestre de inglés nas actividades extraescolares da tarde. Ronan defínese coma un entusiasta da súa lingua e os costumes do Reino Unido, encántalle traballar cos alumnos na súa lingua nai..
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- POSTO EN Extraescolares,Sección Bilingüe
Halloween recipes!!
Antes de irnos uns días, queremos deixarvos unha pequena mostra do inxenio dos alumnos do cole que se coordinaron desde a área de lingua inglesa para elaborar diferentes receitas de cociña (recipes) que nos gustaría compartir con todos vós. Aquí tendes arañas con galletas de elaboración caseira, oreo de chocolate fantasmagórico, doces e caramelos ( tasteful sweets) por parte dos máis pequenos. E…cómo non podían faltar!! As cabazas do concurso nas que participaron unha mor..
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- POSTO EN Sección Bilingüe
O INGLÉS É DIVERTIDO Cando entramos nas aulas de Educación Infantil inmediatamente percibimos unha diferenza evidente: a organización da aula, os materiais que nos rodean e a forma na que o profesorado traballa. Así calquera acción: entrar na aula, quitar o abrigo, planificar o traballo do día, xogar, limpar o nariz, explorar, falar sobre o ocorrido, ou ir ao servizo sós/soas, xunto con escoitar a narración dun conto… son actividades que se suceden dun xeito natur..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Infantil,Sección Bilingüe
This week the primary school pupils celebrated the day of Saint Cecilia. In class, we learnt the history of music patron saint and we talked about her. We finally prepared a “mind map” with the most important issues. The main photo is about pupils who study music as a hobby, while into the others, we can have a look to those pupils not only singing, and playing instruments, but also conducting and enjoying by learning music. Hopefully all parents are encouraging their children to stu..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria,Sección Bilingüe
Thanksgiving day
As a multilingual school, we are concerned about the English language but also the English – speaking culture. And keeping this in mind, the students of 3º ESO decided that they wanted to know more about Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. They had a lot of questions, such as: where does this celebration come from? when was it celebrated for the first time? How is it celebrated nowadays? To answer all these questions, they went to the computer room and worked in pairs in ord..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Secundaria,Sección Bilingüe
…and in the Arts and Crafts time, Students collaborate decorating Christmas barrels, which would look fancy in the streets of our town in so especial dates like Christmas. We imagine, paint and create shapes, colours and fun through different techniques of brushed – painting, with original designs and ideas, always giving a touch of happiness and identity to our works. The group work of each class, once again show us, a j..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria,Sección Bilingüe
Enjoying handball
Last December we welcomed at school some of Handball players team who payed for Novás into Second National League. We tried to develop different skills and properly handball techniques with them. We also enjoyed played with them some funny and entertaining games outside; discovering how funny could be sharing this amazing activitity with mates. To conclude we were invited for them..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria,Sección Bilingüe
These days, we, the children of 2º Primary are learning about pets, how they are, what they eat but the most important “A pet isn´t a toy, if you´ve got one, look after it”. Having a pet can be a wonderful, rewarding experience. Here are a few fab things about including a critter in your family: Pets teach you how to take care of others. Pets teach you about responsibility. Playing with pets can make you feel happy. A pet can help you learn about animals. Studies show that people with pet..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Primaria,Sección Bilingüe
EXPOÑEMOS EN INGLÉS. Esta semana comezamos coas exposicións orais en inglés en Secundaria. Ser competente comunicativamente é moi importante para os nosos/as alumnos/as, esa é a principal razón pola que realizamos esta actividade todos os anos. Previamente, dámoslles as indicacións necesarias para que saiban como lles imos valorar. E, por suposto, contan coa nosa axuda para facelas cando o precisan. Os/As alumnos/as teñen que falar un mínimo de tres minutos, os temas son libres e, ade..
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- POSTO EN Ed. Secundaria,Sección Bilingüe
From the music class we have a fun activity, called «Curious interview», because for it we have interviewed a saxophone! Our music teacher has brought her saxophone to the school and she has proposed that we make questions… Finally, between all the students we made a mural that you can observe in the corridors of the school. Dende a aula de música levamos a cabo unha divertida actividade, a que chamamos «Entrevista curiosa» xa que entrevistamos a un saxofón! A nosa mestra de músic..
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- POSTO EN Innovación,Sección Bilingüe